Low-Income Elderly in Need of Help

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The gentleman who created Seniors for Seniors, has just launched Seniors in Need, a Canadian national web site linking low-income elderly in need of assistance with those who can offer their services or support.

Peter Cook, through his work with Seniors for Seniors, often came across seniors who were too cash-strapped to pay for service providers. As at 2009, just over 10% of seniors (over 65), fell into low-income level, as defined by Statistics Canada. However, those numbers will only grow as the changes to OAS eligibility age comes into play, once the federal Conservatives' new laws come into effect and current cost of living expenses continues to grow.  Municipalities, which often had programs to assist those in poverty, have had to curb such programs post-2008 financial crisis.

Currently, the web site is setup to accept postings made by sponsors, such as non-profit agencies, briefly describing that particular senior's circumstances, their location and the specific need. Those willing to donate the equipment, time or whatever is required, deal directly with the agency to ensure the donation is delivered directly to the senior, and for privacy sake.

Today, 45 agencies, including Baycrest Health Sciences and YWCA have signed up under the non-profit category of sponsors. Mr. Cook hopes that in time, many more will sign up, as word gets out about this unique grass organization.

Sponsors can also include healthcare and home care providers, social workers, physicians, hospitals, government agencies and geriatric practitioners. 

Donors can search the Get Involved section of the web site, find a specific senior to assist, then follow the links to deliver the specific need to that senior.

Please help get the word out by sharing this post, or the direct link to the web site, and let's all work together to help some of the most vulnerable members of our society.


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