Hospitals Still Bullying Elderly Patients

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Over the past few months, we heard many stories of Ontario hospitals trying many different tactics to oust elderly patients from their beds.  Circumstances and stories may differ, by the tactics remain the same.

For followers of this blog, we shared our own family's story of my late father's last hospital stay at Trillium.  On a weekly basis, we battled and argued for Trillium to continue to care for a very sick man, who had no business being anywhere but in a hospital.  We too were threatened with a $1700 monthly charge, similar to Carol McMurray's experience with Toronto East General.

The Liberal government was on record back in the spring of 2011 with an announcement that any and all such charges or threats to charge were to cease and desist.  Clearly, the hospitals did not get nor heed the message. 

Ontario families need to be aware of these on-going illegal efforts, and continue to shed public light on such attempts at hospitals to bully the elderly.  Should this happen to you or anyone you know, please follow Ms. McMurray's example, and notify your local MPP.


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